Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ranger Cookies

Ranger Cookies Recipe

Do not make these cookies if you plan on having just one while you graciously allow the rest to disappear as family and friends indulge. It just doesn't work out that way, at least not with these cookies. You'll want to have one when they are warm, minutes out of the oven. And then another one to judge whether they are good or great, and then another one because you are still not sure. And then, oh what the hell, three more before you go to bed to ensure that good nights sleep. And did I mention how well a few of these cookies go with a piping hot cup of coffee first thing the morning as you are gathering your wits and morphing back into a recognizable human being? You see where I am going with this. These cookies spell trouble.

Classic chocolate chip cookie dough with shortening instead of butter, which yields a thicker, more compact cookie. Plus milk chocolate chips, oatmeal, whole grain cereal flakes and coconut. The result?  A sweet, crunchy, textured cookie that leaves you reaching for just one more. 

Life is too short...sometimes we need to eat cookies...with no guilt attached.  

Ranger Cookies

2 c all-purpose flour
1 t baking soda
1/2 t baking powder
1/2 t salt
1 c vegetable shortening {Spectrum makes an organic, non-hydrogenated version}
1 c granulated sugar
1 c packed light brown sugar
3 large eggs
1 t vanilla
2 c quick-cooking rolled oats
2 c whole grain cereal flakes
11.5 oz bag milk chocolate chips
1 c sweetened flaked coconut

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Set aside.

Beat together shortening, sugars, eggs and vanilla with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in flour mixture on low speed until just combined. Stir in oats, cereal flakes, chocolate chips and coconut.

Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Drop rounded tablespoons of batter 2 inches apart on baking sheets. Bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes, and then remove from oven and let the cookies rest on the baking sheets for another minute. Remove cookies to cool and repeat with remaining batter.

Yields approximately 5 dozen cookies.

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Source: Adapted from Gourmet

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